All of the flavors, sides and toppings you’d enjoy on classic fajitas in this loaded chicken fajita soup. It’s wholesome, filling and easily customizable.
It’s finally soup season! I can’t tell you how happy that makes me. I LOVE soup!! The weather here in Virginia went from the high 80’s to the high 50’s in the blink of an eye. I’m not complaining because that means I can cook and bake whatever, whenever, without worrying about how hot and insufferable it will be in our house.
This fajita soup is spin off of one I developed a few years ago for another site. It was such a hit with our family I knew I had to make a version completely from scratch.
Today’s recipe includes all of the things you’d get with a sizzling plate of fajitas. It’s loaded with seared chicken, beans, rice, tomatoes, peppers, onions and a healthy handful of cilantro. You can top it with your favorite fixings: cilantro, jalapeno, lime wedges, sour cream, cheese or avocado.
To make this soup you’ll need a large stockpot or Dutch oven. Something that holds a decent amount, because the last thing you want is for it to go bubbling over. Anything 4 quart and up should work just fine.
You’ll start by browning the chicken, then sautéing the peppers and onions- just like you would if you were making the real deal.
The post Chicken Fajita Soup appeared first on Life Made Simple.